How will abbey technologies help you achieve success?

We dramatically
reduce the time to
realization of
“business value”

We reduce
expenses and
share the project
risks in real
economic terms

We insure minimal
disruption in essential
business systems while
transforming impactful
business processes

We solve current
business problems
with solutions that
have true strategic value

Abbey Technologies was founded on four core principles

Technology Can Make or Break You
For the business leader, every business decision has a technology element: technology can be either an enabler or an impediment. It impacts what you can do, how you do it and what it costs.

The Real Obstacle to Innovation
Fact: There’s an artificial separation between business and technology. Impact: It’s a costly obstacle to innovation, productivity and efficiency. The business of technology is to enable business.

Technology is the ultimate marketing weapon
What makes you different from your competitors? Or, in MBA-speak, “What’s your differential advantage?” We’d like to append that with, “and what could or should it be?” Technology envisioning is the key to creating and sustaining competitive advantage.

Market Agility, Economic Advantage
We believe market agility should be a mandatory technology component. Your business needs are constantly changing. Your customer requirements are constantly changing. Your technology must have the ability to adapt, economically. Technology agility is the key to marketing agility and economic advantage.